Thursday, August 27, 2009

I was THAT guy

I just got off the phone with my lovely mother. She was telling me about how at the gas station just now, someone put a lit cigarette into the trash can and the whole think went up in flames! had to shut off all the pumps, scream, run to back of the store and crouch down into the "buildings gonna blow" position, cry, say good-bye.... the whole bit.

For peace of mind- it was fine. They got the fire out, and there were no explosions.
But talking to her did remind me of a little mishap i had in Utah a few years back. It goes a little something like this-

My good friends and I were having our usual summer camping/Lagoon trip. We go down every year for camping, Lagooning, Salt Lake "Night Clubbing", etc. This particular year there were many of us, and so we had a whole train of cars. We decided it was time for everyone to fill up the ol gas tankers. So we pulled into some Utah Shat hole of a gas station and did our business.

I, naturally, was the first one in line for gas, and so as a result was the first one of our party to hear the pump turn itself off cuz my baby was full.

We had some planning to do, so as i washed my windows and my fellow compadres and I mapped out who would lead and where we were going type stuff for the remainder of said day.

Approximately 15 minutes went by and we were all ready to hit the open road.
Casey, my favorite co-pilot, jumped into shot-gun and off we go...o...OOH!

WTF was that?!

I looked at Casey who was crying. And might I add not tears of sad. Tears of sheer immediate laughter. i turned around and, yep, i didnt take the pump out of my car.

Gas door lid still open.
Hose detached from pump.
Hose lying on nasty now gas-covered concrete.

Dont worry, i knew exactly what i needed to do. DRIVE AWAY and fast! And so we did.

No one contacted me. i figured if it was important they would use their cameras and check my license plates. Musta notta been too bigga deal.
But yep, i was THAT guy.
