Monday, October 26, 2009

Burley Experience #1

Hey boyfriend- this is the story I told you I would post instead of tell you...

Let me begin by letting everyone know that i used to have a TERRIBLE habit of locking my keys in my car. Everyone knew i did it. In the ignition, leaving them on the seat, setting them in the cup holder, etc...

I went through remade car key's like no body's business. Covered myself with road tar one time looking under my car for a spare key i forgot we had already used and i lost.

Now, travel with me friends, back to my junior year of highschool. Me and my friend Brianne wanted real bad to go to Burley on Friday night. You are probably asking yourselves: "Why Burley?" and that is a great question... Because I wont lie, I can't remember. Whatever it was, it was gonna be fun though- I promise you this. I think we were going to visit a friend of ours for the night and Color. I don't know, could have been anything.

Either way- both sets of parents said no. No reason to go, stay in town. BOOO that.

Feeling daring (as we know I still am)... we lie. LIE! (poor idea kids.)

... I tell my parents I'm at her house, she tells her parents shes at my house... we load up my car and peace out. crazy town you... Here-We-Come!

ok, we're there now. We meet whoever it was for dinner in some diner. WOAH CRAZY. I know, I was getting out of hand. Next thing i know, we are getting phone calls and text messages from Brianne's parents. They did not beat around the bush by saying :"you two better not have gone to Burley. you have 2 hours to get back here and prove you are in town or we are calling Karlee's parents." (my parents were the harsher set of the two.) WFT?! someone leaked to their parents we went there and apparently parents call parents.

SO we are left with nothing left to do but GTFO. Instantly Brianne is buckling and cracking under the pressure. I tell her that this gives us 2 hours to think of a story what we were doing. All's i gotta do is get gas (yep- on E), and we can go.

so what do i do?! pull into the gas station and pump away. Brianne goes to the bathroom. I hurry and need to go inside to pay (since its after dark) and so i lock my car real quick... and- WAIT?! LOCK MY CAR?!

.... yeah- keys in ignition. you have got to be kiddin me!

So, now lets review:

I owe the gas station $30.00 of the $40.00 I have

My car is RUNNING, and locked us out in the gas station.

Its after dark, Friday night, in BURLEY IDAHO.

= no one to come UN lock it. especially when i can only pay $10.00.


=Brianne's crying.

Now, being the shy person I am, this leaves me to go into the gas station to ask for help. the line is long to get to the counter, so I just went and stood on it. I announced to the Gas station that I needed to get my car unlocked NOW, and needed ideas?

then, little beard-touching-the-ground man (with the dirtiest fingernails i have seen to date) pipes in: "Hey, i gotta slim jim in the back of my truck." Dirty old man immediately became dirty best friend.

Total time it takes him the time to finish his Hamms, get the slim jim, and break in=40 minutes.

SNAP! this left me with 1 hour and 20 minutes to get back to Boise.

I cut in line again, throw my $40.00 onto the counter and tell them to give the change to the old man, and we fly home. literally, i got air over some of those little highway hills. (I know i was speeding, but that's in the past.)

Between the stress you could taste in the car, my friend freaking and crying that we are "going to be in so much trouble, and my brain trucking away to decide the plan of action, I hate to admit i made it to Edwards Cinema 21 in a little over an hour. (oops- i promise i don't drive like that anymore)

Now you are probably wondering, why Edwards?! here was my plan: and it worked flawlessly:

*I parked and we left our cell phones in the car.

*Again, i locked the keys in the car. (on purpose this time)

*We went in , picked a movie fitting the right time, went and bought a drink from Moxie Java, and borrowed their phone to call her parents.

of course, it is hilarious that i locked my keys in my car, and that's why we didn't get the messages. of course. so they come get us, drive me to my house so i can get a spare key, drive me back to Edwards and i drive me and my friend back to their house for the night.

I don't think i have lied since, and felt real bad, but what else was there to do? and they bought it.
