Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Epitomy of Fat, and i didnt fight back.

***I first must clarify that none of the following situations are to be taken as me being rude or racist. These are all accurate stories, mearly repeating was was said to me. read at your own risk.***

These are the 3, count them THREE, times i didnt fight back. normally i am not the girl to let it slide (if you will). i am a mind speaker, and a fire-it-backer. i blame the following instances on being 100% caught of guard.

SITUATION 1) picture driving for 8 hours with all the windows down, in abnormally hot heat for the time of year. you are driving to go camping. you are with your friends, none of whome you need to impress. You reach your destination, and immediatly realize if you do not go to the bathroom to relieve yourself, you will be relieving yourself right where you stand. so you sort of book-it to the camp bathrooms and an overly made up (dare i say) tramp takes one look at you disgusted and says "you may want to put your hair up in a pony-tail. i would even let you have a hair tie. it doesnt look good" ...yes, this happened to me.

SITUATION 2) Imagine yourself falling down a flight of stairs. (yes, some of you recall this happening to me). You then have to escort yourself to the doctor to have xrays to determine how serious the situation is. You are in the xray room with the stupid xray lady, who OBVIOUSLY forgets you are already in severe pain, and is twisting your shit around like its fine. First she tells you "go ahead and put on that extra lead jacket, we want to protect the baby." you shrug this off as her horribly tactless way of asking you if you are pregnant (you know they have to ask by law, so you shrug it off since your knee is broken and thats more important.) You tell her your "not pregnant, but will wear whatever I need to, lets just get this thing rolling". She then drops everything and says "...are you SURE you are not pregnant?!" ...thinking to yourself , you say "yes i am sure." Nurse then continues to say "well wear it anyway, i think you may be pregnant and so we will take the precautions just in case, and you may want to double check on that." ...yes, this happened to me.

SITUATION 3) you are trying on tall, zip up boots in target. it is fall, you have never owned a pair of knee high zip up boots (you know, the kind everyone has), and although you will never wear them outside anyclothing to show how hooker-high they are, you want them for under your pants. just to have. so anyway, you are trying on boots. immediately after putting on the first boot, you realize your calf-to-foot proportions are not ideal. you go for it anyway. as you squat there and discretely struggle to zip them up around your leg, the smallest, skinniest, LOUDEST chinese woman rounds the aisle. pointing dead at you with her long finger, and grabbing her friend by the arm, she yells " SEE, I TOLD YOU! 'DEES AMERICANS EAT TOO MUCH!!" yeah... this happened to me.

~perhaps i should have just posted this under " I Swaer This Shit Only Happens To Me".
... or perhaps thats waht I should have just called the whole blog~


  1. You have interesting problems. I'd love to dump 20 pounds (or more), but no one has ever overtly called me "fat". Of course, being 6'3" helps "distribute" my girth, so maybe it's not that noticeable (I can only hope).

    Just curious why you're flipping off your audience the right-hand pic accompanying this blog? ;-)

  2. your blog is definitely one of my favorites :) thanks for sharing karlee!

  3. hahaha you are hilarious. Stuff like this happens to me too!

