Monday, April 19, 2010

My First Sunburn

Its happened. In my 23+ years of existence, I have finally joined the rest of you. I have now, for the first time ever, utterly burned the shat out of my body. Its quite absurd actually.
I have had 'pink' areas. I will not lie, the top of my head has 'burned' enough to peel. But until now, THAT HAS BEEN IT.
Now, I have officially cooked and lobstered myself. And I must say, this is one of the most painful things my skin has ever been forced to sit through. (side note: I am technically sitting through the process, seeing as the blisters from my Teva's and the 10 mile hike Shane and I went on have made it so walking is not high on my to-do list right now.)

This is an entirely new process for me. I do not know what to expect with an actual sun burn. I got some suggested Aloe and let me tell you- that is the most amazing feeling on za planet! It IS like hand sanitizer for the body, and I want a bathtub of it that I can just lay down in.
I don't want it to peel, but Shane told me its "cooked and coming off like original recipe off a thigh at KFC." I don't even know what that is, but that is disgusting and horrifying. I am going to do everything in my power to prevent any part of my body resembling something from a fast food joint.

Give me some more Motrin, some more beer, some baggy clothes and some aloe!

No, thats not a white tanktop you see...
I feel like I could fry an egg on my chest!
...but it was TOTALLY worth it. Super fun weekend in the sun. Lesson learned: Sun Screen is your friend, even if you don't ever sunburn.

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