Wednesday, April 7, 2010


YOU know who you are.
Maybe I don’t, and maybe I won’t…
but you know who you are.
You drug a key from the middle of the hood, down the left side all the way through the driver side door, ending a little less than half way through the back seat driver’s side door. And drug is an understatement, for the majority of what you did was dig off the layers of paint in a not even straight line down the body of my car.

OH, lets not forget the little twofer you threw in there on the driver door. Lets talk briefly about how immature that is.

1) If you are smart, no one will never know you did it. So go ahead and feel cool about f’ing up my car in secret. You can’t even share your glory.

2) If I do find out it was you who did it, it suddenly won’t be so funny.

3) I like to think generally I am a likeable person. I get along with just about everyone. I don’t recall recently pissing anyone off, but if I did… grow up. Join the adult club and confront a problem. If you do in fact know me and it was malicious, you will know that I have no problem whatsoever talking to your dumb face.

4) Lastly- if I don’t know you and it was just some dick prank move to a stranger… then again I suggest growing up. My car is not a piece of junk that I don’t take care of or am not proud of.

CARma is a bitch, as I am sure you will soon realize.

love, KARlee MAy

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