Thursday, June 18, 2009

WTF happened to your eye?!

This is a top 10 list (and in no particular order) of the comments i received due to my little recent mishap with the mosquito. I feel they earned the right to make the list, although MANY a comment will not be mentioned. Also, will not take the time to describe the looks i got. here we go:

10) "Looks like he had to tell you twice" ~courtesy of @StinaMFKing

9) "HOLY SH*T~ did you fall off the deck again, only this time hit your face?" ~neighbor #1

8) "who won?...and how does the other person look?" ~unknown man at gas station

7) "did the mosquito "accidentally" push you down the stairs too?!" ~thank you @ioncontrol

6) "or did it "accidentally" hit you in the face with a doorknob?" ~ @repressd

5) "...B*tch, I told you. you tell them a mosquito bit you, or else..." always classy sister of mine

4) "Who is "mosquito" code word for, and where do they live?" ~friend that is a boy

3) "I'd tell you its not that noticeable, but it is. " ~Bob C.

2) "you need to think of a better story than the truth. it just makes you seem like an idiot. no one gets bit in the eye." ~another lovely co-worker

1) "yeah that really does look awful. too bad you cant wear sunglasses at work." ~boss.

nice, huh?! :) gotta love it!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Full Hook-ups in the Woods!

THATS RIGHT PEOPLE! Advertised right here before your eyes. Full Hook-ups in the woods! who could ask for more?!

~Recently, a clan of us ventured out into the great unknown to see what Northern Youdaho had to offer. We always take the road trip down and play in Lagoon, but this year was bribed to spend mulah in our own state and see what we have to offer. so we went with it. and who'da known?! Not only do we offer, but we advertise full hookups in the woods! Immediatly upon arrival we were all pleased with our weekend vacation choice~

~This brings us to the next glorious found sign we stumbled upon. We were not only pleased to have proper riding positions outlined for us, but excited that we would be allowed to hold the black grab rail with both hands.

...we then began to notice the warnings all around us. Apparently the sky was not as safe as we had always thought.

This was by FAR the most frightning sign of the trip. HERE IT IS, plain and simple. if you stand up (and from what i guess even if you consider standing up) you will lose your head entirely. Lucky for those next to you though, your red insides will stay perfectly inside your neck like soup in a bowl. and even luckier for the observers, becuase you will be able to continue through the ride with your head in hand, and cool sparks flying behind it!

...but here we are again with the sexual innuendos.Dont attempt to raise up in your seat or you will lose your head? (thank the people in line behind us for that one)

~lastly, we wanted to note Pappy. This was the tip of the iceberg,if you will. Proof, that if you dont listen to the signs, you will not leave the park. lets have a moment of silence for Pappy. Pappy's grave was conveniently located where we were being robbed for donations for terminally ill children. it was in intense moment in the woods.

~So all in all, i left with 2 major questions unanswered:
1) What exactly happened to result in each one of these signs being created?!
2) Why do we not advertise our full hookups in the woods a little more? we all left with a happy ending, whose to say that more people would not want that experience?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Baileys in our coffee

Just stumbled upon this that i wrote this December.
We found it kind of humorous so i thought i'd share...
Work work work
Its time for a beer
We are just so damn busy
This time of the year.
Out to dinner with a friend
ONLY a two hour wait
But the drinks were perfect
And the company great
Went downtown……drunk all night
Up freakin early
Cleaning all day
Snowing and snowing
Freakin cold I would say (only i usually dont say freakin )
Lunch with some buddies
Yes there were drinks
Drunk by 1:30?!
Perfect, me thinks.…
and more and more….
12 hours of drunk…
Again, up freaking early
Mimosa’s galore
Movies, games and friends
Who could want more?
OH! I forgot the bailey’s in our coffee
Then we all went to my parents
For more drinks and TOFFEE!…
and hot tubs, and games and snow
I slipped TWICE on the ICE and broke my damn back.
NOT KIDDING-I cant bend over.
So I pretended to study for my final today, but instead I played-oops.
And more snow and more snow
and more and more
And the streets are icy
And the ground is icy
And the air is icy
And my car is icy
And I want an icy
AND I have a test in a few hours and I got in trouble for studying at work
So I wrote a poem and got bored rhyming it
And now I have to go work
Or I get in more trouble

Friday, June 5, 2009

Windy this week, ain't it?
**alright anyone interested. Here it is, plain and simple. I am taking this first official blog opportunity to lay this very important fact (VIF ,if you will) out there. BUT FIRST: small background information:
IF you were by chance driving, walking or biking down Main Street yesterday, the 4th of June, at approx. 5:02pm, you would have witnessed first hand the wind.
I only have hated the wind 2 other times in my life. Normally it does not bother me. Moves things around, messes up your yard, screws up your hair-did... but really, all those things are no biggie to me. BUT yesterday, the wind was a big deal.
Now on to what happened. As i frequently do (unless i see an officer of the law down the block), I decided to cross the street right outside of my office, instead of walking either direction
down the block to the cross walk. And this particular time i decided to bold across the street instead of wait for a major break in traffic. So this placed me mid block, middle
of down town, middle of 5:00 traffic, middle of Main Street.
As I sorta ran in my "big girl shoes" (as we like to call them) across the street...SWOOSH-wind gust. Lucky me. I, again wore my flowy black skirt to work on a windy day.
YEP you guessed it...blew my damn skirt up over my head int he middle of Main Street.
(Keep in mind that this is not the point of ths story.) *this particular skirt is just long enough to, when blown straight up, to actually cover my face. here i stand, Middle of EVERYTHING fighting down my beast of a black skirt and still trying to get across the street before being smashed into.
i must add that this is the third time said skirt has blown over my head. count them... one, two, THIRD! how many times does it take someone to learn a lesson?!?...
Anyway, embarrassment hits. Some lovely gentleman honks like i dont know that i showed everyone my #funzies.
OK so bringing me to the point of this. the VIF is: i DO in fact own "party panties". i know that none of you who saw me think this. I understand, and believe me would have said the same thing had i been one of you... "Look at that! haha, that poor girlll.... OH MY GOD look at her underwear!!!-"
It just so happened that recent need-to-do-laundry-day + flowy-skirt-doesn't-show-panty-lines DOES NOT = good-for-windy-day.
**this was important to clarify BECAUSE i am single, and wanted to use this opportunity as a disclaimer and say that i am fun, regardless of what that one pair of underwear suggested. K THANKS
It sure has been windy huh? keep and eye out... Take it or leave it. :)
