Thursday, June 18, 2009

WTF happened to your eye?!

This is a top 10 list (and in no particular order) of the comments i received due to my little recent mishap with the mosquito. I feel they earned the right to make the list, although MANY a comment will not be mentioned. Also, will not take the time to describe the looks i got. here we go:

10) "Looks like he had to tell you twice" ~courtesy of @StinaMFKing

9) "HOLY SH*T~ did you fall off the deck again, only this time hit your face?" ~neighbor #1

8) "who won?...and how does the other person look?" ~unknown man at gas station

7) "did the mosquito "accidentally" push you down the stairs too?!" ~thank you @ioncontrol

6) "or did it "accidentally" hit you in the face with a doorknob?" ~ @repressd

5) "...B*tch, I told you. you tell them a mosquito bit you, or else..." always classy sister of mine

4) "Who is "mosquito" code word for, and where do they live?" ~friend that is a boy

3) "I'd tell you its not that noticeable, but it is. " ~Bob C.

2) "you need to think of a better story than the truth. it just makes you seem like an idiot. no one gets bit in the eye." ~another lovely co-worker

1) "yeah that really does look awful. too bad you cant wear sunglasses at work." ~boss.

nice, huh?! :) gotta love it!

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