Friday, September 25, 2009

Allergic to Life

...It was mentioned again the other night that I am Allergic To Life. Yes, I know I am. Some of you are starting to pick up on it too :)
Just for the sheer fun of things, here is yet ANOTHER example of this:

This November will be the 2 year anniversary of losing my face. Honest. I purchased and wore (like the fun, team spirit girl I am) the Sticks of Blue & Orange face paint from the BSU Bronco Shop, so i could show my school spirit at a home game. I wore it right under my eyes- traditional "war paint" styyle...

about end of first quarter i started to itch...
and right about 1/2 time, my friend told me I really should "Look in the mirror."

Needless to say, I did. AND immediatly went home to take the paint off.

(*Here we go- brace yourselves*)

This is the moment I literally wiped off my face.
It hurt more than it even looks like it did.

This is one side of my face, about 6 hours after. It gets worse...

This is a "morning after" shot. I woke up and yes, I had 3rd degree burns on both my cheeks.

This is the Right side 3rd degree burn. Day 2

This is the Left Side 3rd Degree Burn...

Yes, This is 3 MONTHS after. I could not wash my face for the entire healing time. Had to wear NO makeup-None-all i got to do was put the prescription from my doctor on it and i could put straight Vitamin-E oil to keep it from pulling and scaring. I had to sit there and let the scabs come off "at their own will." (THAT is disgusting, i know)

-It took off all my freckles (no worry they are back now).
-I STILL can not put my face under hot water.
-I didnt scar (thank goodness), but its still sensitive.
-It took 6 months to heal completely and my cheeks still hurt. Certain products

~Allergic to Life~


  1. Luckily you still look great without makeup!

  2. What gets me is that you thought you WOULDN'T be allergic....

  3. Wow. Please tell me they stopped selling that product...

  4. Looks like you were allergic to your "war paint". Moral of the story: if you need to show team spirit, next time, wear a blue and orange t-shirt. I'm sorry for the pain you've gone through, but glad you're recovering.

