Thursday, December 31, 2009

I want to thank 2009

Its sappy-stupid- and lame, I know this to be true. But I do. I overheard someone the other day who nonchalantly mentioned having a terrible year and no friends/significant others/family to spend new years with so it can all go to hell. I don't even know this someone, but it really made me think. I'm lucky.

I want to thank everyone who was a piece of my 2009. Good piece, or bad piece, you were a piece of something that I cant give back. And I am happy to say that I don't want to give any part of it back anyway. Even the super shitty things from the last year I gained good things from experiencing them either way.

I want to thank my friends. My new friends who have came into my life in the last year, for being such fun, fabulous, interesting people that i feel lucky to call friends. My 'long time friends that I wouldn't trade for the world. Even though i don't see all them very often, thus far they have stuck with me through my ups and downs, and that is something not everyone has. My friends ROCK.

Happy with my family. They are awesome. They frustrate me from time to time, but I have more fun with them than alot of people have with their family. My parents are a blast, my sister is my friend, I have aunts, uncles, cousins-all who I have fun with and like to see. Apparently that's more rare than i thought.

and thanks to who I have shared everything with lately. You've sat there and listened to me cry, laugh, talk, think, complain, question... and never once have you failed to help me. You have been the absolute best. And I cant wait for more of that with you.

I want to thank those of you who let me do things like throw up on your coat, eat dinner and then fall asleep at your house, smack you in the face, or lost something of yours, or mess up REAL bad, and rode it off as "good times with good friends and good memories made" and still liked me after. What an attitude to have- that alot of us, including myself, can learn from.

...and thank the laid back people who help keep me sane. and those of you who can appreciate a practical joke, and play back. And the one who has laid things out black and white for me for the last few months and really taught me lots.

Thanks to the people in my life who gave me new ideas, music, new experiences, games, information... I love to grow. (as long as its not around my waist.) and I grow from the people around me. LOTS Of you in that group.

And thanks to everyone in 2009 who hurt me or pissed me off to all hell. I take from you people a better senses of what I want and don't want, or what I like or don't like, and who the people are that I want to surround myself with. Nothing to be ashamed of. You can't be everyones friend and not everyone is going to like you, so better take the fails and get something from them. NO hard feelings brought into 2010. Thanks for sucking so I could learn.

I sincerely hope that everyone has a fun, SAFE, and happy New Year surrounded by the ones that they love. Peace out 2009. Peace.

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