Wednesday, February 10, 2010

beer me

A little letter to my friend Beer.


We have caused problems together, we have solved problems together. We have got in trouble together, and we have got out of trouble together. We have shared memories, and have many forgotten ones as well. (But I think its better for both of us to have forgotten them, so no hard feelings, really.)

Just like I say about some of my other friends, you and I go way back. And we do.
I made sure to introduce you to my wonderful boyfriend, my family, my roommates and my friends. In turn, I like meeting your friends and relatives too. Usually I like them as much as i like you! I want you to know I mean it when I say that I like when you decide to show up and join in on the good time- you tend to be a nice addition.

But, I also want to stress that when I tell you enough is enough, or I need some space, or its time to leave me alone for awhile-I mean that too. But generally you do a good job keeping your distance and rarely show up uninvited, so thanks for that.
Thanks for listening to me blab all the time too, beer. You've sat through many a conversation. I don't always enjoy your input into the conversation after the fact, though I must say I do appreciate your listening skills. I also appreciate you curbing your jealousy when I choose other people or activities over you. It doesn't mean I don't like you. I hope you understand.

Recently I noticed that we have taken all kinds of photos together! Granted, most of the time you look better than I do, but hey- what can you do. Ya win some, ya lose some...I included some of those memories for you to look back on as well. aaah, good times.

Thanks again my not-so-long-lost friend. Its been fun, as I am sure it will contiue to be.

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