Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Todays Advice

"Why is it that we fear the unknown so much? It's this constant need for answers and outcomes that makes us think we need to know our exact direction. But the truth is, even when we have an anticipated destination, we rarely arrive to the place we think it's going to be. So my advice is this: Embrace the unknown. Delight in not knowing where you are going to work, what city you'll live in, who you'll sleep next to each night. The unknown is scary because it means there are so many possibilities, some of which can be bad (there are a lot of people I don't want to sleep next to every night). However, it's also glorious because there are possibilities that we can't even imagine out there for us! Options so great, that they haven't even presented themselves as ideas in our minds yet. Love not knowing. Love uncertainty. It can only mean that you have brilliant possibilities in your future." ~Megan Egbert aka @hipmamacita

Thanks Megan. You ARE full of good stuff today.

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