Friday, January 29, 2010

Lock Lock, Double Lock

8 years ago, I didn't think it of any importance to lock your car door while in the car.

After the coming incidents, you will understand why I have done it religiously- whether I be driving, front seat, back seat, your car, my car...(you get the point).

8 years ago a drunk bum tried to steal me from my car.

At least I think he tried to steal me- never stuck around to find out his exact intention.
..and at least i think he was drunk-I only confirmed the odor of booze.
But certainly, he was homeless.

Anyway-I was sitting at a red light at 15th and State Street one lovely summer night in our lovely town of Boise. Window down, music bumpin' (if you will), and nothing out of the ordinary.
I saw the bum walking up to me. This is important because he did not catch me by surprise. I took (what i thought was) proper precautions and discretely began rolling up the window. (I did not want to offend him and make him THINK it was because of him, but he freaked me out.)
Faster than I could even get the window all the way up, he tried to reach in. Upon noticing that was not going to work, he opened the car door! I grabbed the handle on the inside and pulled it shut. Before I could get it locked he was opening it again- together our opposing strenghts arguing over who was going to get what they wanted. I wanted safety. He wanted in.
NO THANKS. I screamed at the driver to go...and we did. Right through the red light.

Side Note: any near death experience running a red light might have posed for me was a walk in the park compared to the bum trying to get me.
Reaching safety blocks away, I called the police.

This was incident numero uno.

A couple years later I was the actual driver of a car where a stranger tried to get it.
Again, at night, I ran a stop light to escape the stranger. He obviously could not get in seeing as my door was locked. That's two times for me that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hence why I lock my doors immediately upon entering a vehicle. You never know when someone is going to want to steal you.


  1. What the heck?? But I'm glad you didn't get stolen.

  2. This happened to Alicia and I once. A random guy got into the back of our car and forced us to drive him around town, looking for his car, while he called us all kinds of weird names. On the plus side, he left a case of bud light in the back seat.

