Friday, March 12, 2010

Big Pink Pills

I get migraines. I am sure this is not new news for some of you, but I get huge, gnarly, beast-of-them-all migraines. So bad that I get dizzy, throw up, can’t see.. and all that jazz. Needless to say, I have a hefty dose prescription of a little narcotic that I take when I get them to knock myself out and hopefully wake up feeling decent. I always refer to said medication as the “Big Pink Pills”. This name is based from the obvious- they are big pink pills.
When I take the pink pills, generally it knocks me out cold for 8+ hours. I mean cold like you might have to carry me if there is a fire because I cant wake up. This is as much a blessing as it’s not. Here’s why:

Last summer I had the mama of all migraines. It was probably 2pm a lovely, sunny Saturday afternoon. My ever so wonderful roommate-at-the-time, Kyle, is a good caretaker. Seeing my pain he set me up on the couch, cup of tea, Big pink pills, and a movie. I popped the suckers in, and about 10 minutes later looking from Kyle to the TV was like a watercolor painting. Blurry, liquidy, messy slow motion life.

…Next thing I know I hear a loud SLAM! I open my eyes and I can not see a thing. Its pitch black and so immediately I try to sit up and move my arms and I am stuck.. Tied down. Arms tied, legs tied, and pinned down. Immediately I start to freak out. Then a giant shadow leans over me, and instantly I knew what happened. I had been kidnapped, and this man was going to kill me. I start screaming and crying and fight to free my hands so I can start punching and slapping. And let me tell you… I am. I am doing everything in my panic-filled power to beat the Shit out of my captivator. Holding me down by my shoulders, I finally tune into the words coming out of the scary man’s mouth:

“Karlee! Karlee calm down! Karlee, its me! Its KYLE!!!”

…What the Hell?! I just break down into tears. I was not kidnapped. I was not tied down. I was on my flippin’ couch.

My dear friend had seen me fall asleep and tucked me in- blanket tucked so tight into me and into the couch that I felt like I was restrained. I had punched and slapped and screamed at Kyle, doing what he does best- be a nice care-takerie friend. And 8 or 9 hours later, it had turned to pitch black night-hence why I could not see. Oh man.

Thank heavens Kyle understood. More so he just laughed it off, as did I once my wits were about me. And now, I try to go straight to my bedroom if I have to take the big pink pills. Boy, when they tell you that they work, they are not pulling you leg.

Karlee and Kyle

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