Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I will bail you out

I always leave my phone ringer on at night, in case of an emergency. This one particular night, it was an emergency.

2:14 am on a Thursday my phone starts loudly informing me that someone from an anonymous number needs something. With my eyes still shut I grab the thing, flip it open and groggily utter “hello?!…”

“You have received a Collect Call from the Ada County Jail from…Michelle XXXX… Press 1 to accept the charges. Press 2 to decline”

My eyes pop right open. Obviously I press 1, this is my good friend on the other line.

….long pause. (some beeping). Long pause…

“Karlee?! Its Shelly…” All I can hear is crying. No, crying is an understatement. All I can hear is bawling.

“Shelly, what is going on?!”

“I got pulled over and arrested for Drinking and Driving.” (more sobs.) “I got a DUI! You know I can’t call my parents…”

This is true, I know she can’t. “WHAT?! When? Just now?!” (duh Karlee, duh)

“Yes, just now! They are giving me the option to have someone come bail me out so I don’t have to stay the night. Karlee, please?! can you PLEASE come bail me out? I have the money, I will pay you back I SWEAR… just don’t make me stay here.”

“Alright Shelly, I am coming. Tell me how much and where to go.” -As my friend is giving me the details, I am *quickly* getting dressed, finding shoes, keys, and running to my car. I jump in while on the phone with her and continue to get details of what I need to do in this process. This is, of course, my first time bailing a friend out of jail in the middle of the night. About 5 minutes into the drive, just as I am about to tell her I will see her in a minute and it will all be ok, I hear a little TINY giggle.

A giggle?!

“F* off Shelly!” I hang up the phone. Turn around. Head home. Immediately upon hanging up my phone is ringing again. I don’t need to answer though, I know what the voicemail is going to say:

2:14am: 4/1: = Best April Fools Prank EVER.

touche my friend, touche. Nothing has even come close to topping that. I was in it hook, line, and sinker. I pressed 1 on my cell phone and everything. touche.

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