Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Watch


A very wise woman taught me this. And this is how I roll. %94 of the time, anyway.

I am an on-timer. I like to be there before the show. I like my seat in the theater before the lights dim and the previews start. I like to be waiting on you, not have you waiting on me. ... I immediately take that back. I dont LIKE to be waiting on you, but I would prefer to be waiting on you if waiting is to be had.

Needless to say, I dont like being late: not the 'on-time' late, and not the 'late is unacceptable' late. In fact, it really chaps my ass.
(side note: I forgot how much I love that saying until Ashley said it the other day.)
I feel bad if I am late. A) It messes with my day. B) because its not nice to you C)because when I run real late I tend to stress & panic = I sweat.

Here is my thought though, and I will stand by this until the day I can't stand (in which case I will sit by this):
There is never a reason why you should not call and inform the other parties involved if you are running late. NEVER, unless you there is death, dead, or dying involved.
You can always call your date and say you are running behind. You can always call your iterviewer and let them know you are on your way. You can text your friends and keep them up to speed with your progress. (side note again: you should NOT text your boss to tell them you are late- you should always call your boss. Found that out the hard way.)
*sorry for the tangent: my point was supposed to be that today I have already been late twice, and its not even 3:00.
I was late this morning (by just a smidge)- I would even go as far as to say that I fell in the "on time is late" category. STRIKE1 .
Then when coming back from lunch, I was legitimately late. STRIKE2

Me being late really throws my day out of whack. Don't get me wrong- I am happy to fly by the seat of my pants when flying by the seat of your pants is appropriate. If everyone on board your little ship is not pant-seat flying, you should stick to being on time too. Its the decent thing to do.
that, or dont expect anyone to wait for you.
Like my friend for example, who always wants to hang out and will "be there in 10." 10 minutes can (not so) quickly turn into an hour or more, and it doesn't occure to said friend why I left you behind.

What did this blog even turn into? I was late and apparently just wanted to share my life motto with you.

There are often good reasons for being late- I allow exceptions. Exceptions for why you are late and exceptions for myself and why I am late. This is allowed, but should not be the norm. Do your best to plan your life around your life...

Be early. or be on time. Thats all I got. I'm obviously stuck on that point right now.

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