Monday, January 11, 2010

Bee Positive

I will be the first to admit- I have bad days. I have back to back bad days. I get in terrible moods, where even the kindest gestures that normally I feel would warrant praise go near-unnoticed because I am mad. I complain, I gripe, I grumble... but I don't do it everyday.

Its becoming more and more noticeable to me how many people are ONLY negative. Everyday a coworker of mine starts her day off walking in the door and says something negative. Is there seriously nothing good in your life? I have mentioned this to her too. One day I was so sick of how she entered the office that I waited for her to get here and I flat out told her she has never come into the office happy. or said something nice. Not even that its not something nice, its not something not-negative. Her response: 'whatever."

Well, WHATEVER to you!? you smack negativity all over where I hang out for 8 hours a day. I don't like that. I would rather be somewhere else too, but face it- that's life. Hold your breath if you must, and wait to say how terrible your weekend was, or how cold your hand are, or how the traffic is so bad, or comment on how messed up I am for having a fan on...

and I am in no way suggesting that everyone stop bitching. I am all for it. Speak your mind, argue for the sake of arguing, point out what you dislike- its good for you. I do it!
BUT serious. if there is nothing in your life that makes you happy... you need a new life.

I would put money on that if you say something nice, or positive, before turning to bitching- overall your day, or better yet -your life, will be a whole lot better.

Try it. Dare you. Bee positive. :)
*Now, on my positive note: I got a new coffee maker today and a ton of coffee. Now I have a french press AND a one cup coffee maker. and the little coffee pouches are real cute. I am very pleased and excited to give it a go.*

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