Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have always had very intense dreams. I wake up crying... like big sobs and tons of tears and gasping for breath crying- all the time. sometimes i have no recollection of it, and just wake up to a tear soaked pillow. And sometimes I wake up and know exactly what happened.
I also dream and get scared. Scared to where I need to get up, strip my bed and remake it to insure there are no spiders, scared where i sit up out of a dead sleep and my heart is pounding. I dream in crazy heavy emotion. I am going to start logging some of these wacky dreams. **

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is intense. I have very vivid dreams as well, but I'm usually either a cop hunting down a murderer, superpowerful, or just trying to solve some bizarre problem. Only got scared a few times in the dream, usually when someone's about to kill me or I see a dead person walking toward me.

