Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Enough is Enough

You have GOT to be kidding me. There is a serious rodent problem at my house and the landlord has still done nothing about it.
"Its that time of year."
"Its an old house."
"Its ok, it will clear itself up."...Its bullshit, actually.
Its Nasty, dirty, and NOT ok. more than a year there has been rodent issues. Sorry, but it wasn't cold this summer when Randy moved in.
I'm not kidding, fix it. You can't refuse to let me move out AND refuse to come over and fix the broken roof/ceiling/etc that is letting our little "friends" in.
I cant afford new food every time a squirrel wants to eat in my kitchen.
I cant afford MORE mouse traps. plus its sad. and did i mention nasty?
Cleaning supplies, i can get more of course, but with what money?
I've lost it.
I looked into this, thanks to a few helpful people. You are actually breaking a few rules here, landlord man.
Its a fun area to live, but not at the expense of these guys:

1 comment:

  1. Ok. Our house was built in 1907 and we've never had squirrels OR mice inside. He's BS'ing you. There's got to be someone you can call about that. Do we have a housing authority or something like that here?

