Friday, November 6, 2009

Germ Free

I love hand sanitizer. In every form i have come across.
I have a bottle: in my purse, by my work computer, in my room, in my backpack, and in my car.

I have the wipes in my car and home.

I have the spray kind in my back-up purse, and the middle console of my vehicle.

I desperately try not to open doors with my bare hands. I use my sleeve if its not a push door.

I flush public bathroom toilets with my shoes. This has led me to REALLY appreciate automatic flush toilets. Because some of those stalls are not so big, and some of my outfits don't leave me to be quite so flexible.

I take the paper towel i dry my hands with to the door with me, open the door with the paper towel, and hold the door open with my foot so I can throw away the paper towel.

I don't hold railings when I walk down stairs (hence my knee brace/terrible fall down a flight of stairs a few months back)

...I can't count how many times I use hand sanitizer. I know it only kills surface germs, and not even %100.00. In no way am I suggesting you should replace appropriate hand washing with using and form of hand sanitizer.
But let me tell you:
When you are at Albertsons and the cart guy is three knuckles deep in his own nose WHILE taking all the carts back inside- you want sanitizer.

...or when someone comes into your office and sneezes or wipes their nose and then touches your desk, or your flyers, or your hands- you want sanitizer.

This is my favorite kind of Hand Sanitizer:

Purell with Aloe and Vitamin E. It kills %99.99 of germs without water. In turn, it has the added Aloe and E to help your hands. Because, trust me I know, this sh*t drys your hands out. I love it, I do, but it is not the most moisturizing product I have come across.

It does specify on the back that it is "intended and recommended for repeated use." not sure what Purell's definition of "repeated" is... somehow I think its not every few minutes. BUT, regardless...

Here are two fabulous examples of the germs on your hands:

You touch a million things every day. If you cough on your hands and flip on a light switch-your cough is now on the light switch.
If you open a door that someone slimmed, then you answer my phone... then random person slime is now on my phone. I then use my phone. Its disgusting people.
When you cough or sneeze- for god's sake, do it into your arm. Covering your mouth with your hands is just as gross as not covering at all! (well, maybe not JUST as gross- but close)
If you are a nose picker- heaven forbid you break that nasty habit- wash your hands after.
ALWAYS wash your hands after the bathroom.
I KID YOU NOT: I overheard this conversation in a public bathroom in Boise:
girl 1: You Gonna wash your hands?
girl 2: The sticker says all employees must wash their hands. I don't work here and am just going back to my table.
- YOU KIDDING ME?! SICK! yes, going back to your table but touching a hundred things that I, or someone else, might touch on the way back to our tables!
(... hence the paper towel to open the door and the sanitizer in the purse thing.)
come on kids:
Germ Free is the way to be!

carry your sanitizer.


  1. About a paragraph into reading your blog, I reached for my hand sanitizer. A few paragraphs later I had my clorox wipes out wiping down my mouse, keyboard, desk, everything.

  2. I finally got around to reading your hand sanitizer blog! LOVE IT! It all sounds perfectly normal to me. And now, just like anonymous, I am pulling out my wipes to wipe down my laptop, the remote, the cell phone...etc... haha

