Monday, November 2, 2009

I Will Fight You

I will begin by just briefly recapping the beginning of the night:

Halloween+costumes+DRINKS+parties+downtown+friends= so far so good.

...Then we decide to switch location and hit up the Bad Irish to see what they have to bring to the Halloween Night plate of good times.

B.U.S.Y. THAT is what they had.

But we stay. Fight our way to the bar and i ordered 6 shots, 4 beers, and 1 whisky on ice. (no, not ALL for me)

Immediately, the frustration of a busy bar/waiting in line for drinks for a hundred hours starts to diminish. We are all having a good time.

Then, of COURSE, i have to pee. now, Ashley had already used the bathroom and informed me that the line was long. and lord almighty, it was.

First, i approach the security guard man standing in front of the no-line, men's bathroom.

"security guard man, Hi. can i PLEASE go in there. I cant hold it."-me

"No, you can't. If I let every girl into this bathroom because there was no line, then lines out both bathrooms would be equally long."-security guard man.

(F THAT-sorry but each line would be 1/2 as long as the one coming out the girls bathroom, but whatever) i sense that he is not budging, and frankly i do have to use the urination station so bad that i actually cant stand there and argue.

so i go get in the back of the line and wait.

...and wait... and wait... and holy crap WAIT. this is taking forever.

FINALLY i get into the bathroom-still in line, mind you- and see what the problem is. there is only one stall being used. the larger stall has two girls in it, drunk, and just talking. TALKING. and i am about to pee my witch tights. SO I asked the person a few in front of me in line and sure enough, those girls have not come out for 30 minutes.

annoyed, i change my focus back to "holding it." then, the girl in front of me finally get her turn.

aaand great- she needs to puke, not pee. Mother of god i cant wait another second.

SO i bang on the stall with the 2 girls in it.

~"Hey ladies, can you please talk outside the bathroom, I kinda need to use it."

(this is me being nice)

~"You gotta F*ck*ng problem?!" (this is her being nice, i think)
-and here we go-

~"Yes actually, I do. I am going to pee on the floor if i don't get to a toilet. You are not even

using the bathroom-that is my problem. Time to move on" ( I am starting to heat up at this point- reminder: I now had my first drink over 12 hours ago)

... at this point, me and psycho chick start arguing pretty profusely. exact wording here gets a little fuzzy but i pretty much say "dont make me" and she says "brang it, b*tch." Really, all i want to do is use the bathroom and all she wants to do is piss me off.

Success on her part.

Finally her friend opens the stall door, grabs the girl i am arguing with by the arm and says "Like, fine- come on, lets just go somewhere else."

So i say "Like yes, finally"- ... I did the ditsy head flip and all.

well... then the girl throws her shoulder into mine as she walks by me, smacking me up against the wall. that action never fails to really piss me off.

WTF- so i shove the crap out of her, smashing her into the door of the bathroom stall.

Insta-silence through out the bathroom. This, in turn , really fired her up. Coming at me again, her friend grabs her.

"Seriously, I am going to pee, THEN kick your *ss if you touch me again" I say. ( Order of actions makes sense to me.) i do my biz and leave the bathroom, only to be greeted by someone I don't know, saying "I heard you just got in a fight in the bathroom. right on- she left."

"Yes, i did- thank you very much. " (like she could have done any damage to me wearing that hooker costume she had on.)

grabbing a drink, i walk back to my friends, only to be greeted with praise from Stina- she understood 100%.


  1. Oh geeez. Hahahaha.

    You just WANTED to get into a fight!

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHa... sorry ladies but this never happens to guys.

    Question: WHy do girls want to have chatty heartfelt "I love u man" conversations in the shitter? Seems like there could be better places!

  3. HA! I've never been so proud of you in my whole time of knowing you! XOXO

  4. You should add that on the way to the bar that night we were saying we'd probably get in a fight. I just thought it would be me! haha!

  5. Reason 9,478 that I'm glad I'm a guy... nobody hangs out chatting in our bathrooms.

    Great story!

  6. Remind me to never get in the way when you have to pee.

  7. You realize if she decided to try and clean your clock right then and there, you'd have to defend yourself with an extremely full bladder. I predict you wouldn't have made it out of the fight dry. :P

