Monday, November 9, 2009

I Wasn't Always a Genius

Spelling=never been my forte.
It still is not, and I will be the first to admit that.
Here is proof in a story I wrote in one of my later grade school years-verbatim. Even down to the poor, poor punctuation skills.

Shannon and I were walking down the street on Halloween night. It was eeriley quiet. The moon was full and casting an orangish color on the world below. We were feeling a bit un easy when I looked up, and…
A dark cloud covered up the moon lit. it began to rain.
We saw a barn, and went inside for shelter. The bard doors slammed shutt, and shooke the barn. It was pitch black, and we were dreanched. I spotted a light at the other end of the barn. “Lets go.” I exclaimed. We started walking we started walking when Shannon fell a hole. I contued walking. When I reached the light I said…
Darn! “it’s a stupid light bulb!”.
I then turned around and saw no Shannon behind me. I turned and started to re trace my steps. I endedup falling down the hole Shannon fell down. “Oups!!” “I landed on Shannon’s head.” “Where have you been.!” Shannon asked. “Looking for you!” I said. We started walking to find a way out. It got darker, and darker as we walked. Then not knowing it was going to happen we both smaked into Jamie! “Ouch!” we all said. “Who is that?” asked Jamie. Shannon said “Shannon.” I said “me”. Jamie said “Who is me?” “Karlee” said Shannon. We all stood up and got our ballance. Then we held hands and contued to find our way out. As befor it got darker, and darker as we walked. Then we found a hole on the roof with a latter going up it. “Horrahh!” we all cried. We climbed up and found our selvs back on the other end of the barn. We desided that we would leave As we walked Jamie stepped on a box, and the doors slammed open. As the bright light streemed in on us (from the moon) our eye’s opened wideley. Then as we stepped out Dracula came from knowere and then trapped us. We figured out that it must be somebody. It was The Dracula ran away laughing. We all started home, and ate until we were full.
The End

This, this is why i rely on those damn red wigglies. Thank you word. Thank you spell check.

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